Megan Cone


Megan is one of our trusted partners we rely on for our design processes, as well as other aspects of the company.

Megan has degrees in both Interior Design and Construction Management, and is also a licensed real estate agent. She has a passion for design, an attention to detail, and loves to get into the nitty gritty of a project. Megan has held a few different titles since completing her education, allowing her to work through various fields, and find which role drives her passions the most. Working with Clients to better understand how they want a space to work for them is something she latched onto, and has spent the past few years cultivating. 

Megan loves a challenge, puzzles, and The Land Before Time. When she isn’t creating beautiful spaces, you can find her with her pup, Cera (like triceratops!), or tending to her horde of house plants - typically both!